Dog Nail Problems You Should Know About

Are your dog’s nails looking a bit unusual? Do they seem to be licking at their paws or chewing at individual nails more than usual? If so, your pet may be exhibiting symptoms of a possible nail disorder or problem. Dog nail problems may come in many forms and symptoms, and can be related to […]
Breed-Specific Dog Skin & Ear Problems in German Shepherds Part 1: Allergy Conditions

German Shepherd dogs are a very popular dog breed, owing to their many qualities. While German Shepherds were bred specifically for their herding and intelligence, they are also known for their strength, trainability, and obedience. These traits make them excellent disability assistance dogs, police dogs, and watch dogs as well as excellent pets. They are […]
Advantages of Online Vet Dermatology Appointments

We are currently living in a period where in-person contact is not recommended to take place for the sake of our health and safety—minimizing contact between a pet owner and their vet. To adapt to this radical change of pace, our veterinary dermatology clinic has adopted online means of connecting with our pet patients and […]
What You Need to Learn About Yeast Infections in Dogs

If you find that your dog has irritated and itchy skin or a presence of strong or bad odor, they could have a yeast infection. Yeast, which is actually a fungus, normally lives on the skin of dogs (and humans) without causing an irritation or illness. If there is an excess of the yeast on […]
Allergen Immunotherapy for Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs

What is allergen immunotherapy (AIT)? AIT is the only therapy that is designed to target the immunologic pathomechanisms of atopic dermatitis. In other words, out of all the treatment options available to date, AIT is the only treatment option that targets the underlying root cause of disease. Although the mechanism of action of AIT is […]
In Vancouver, Every Season is Flea Season

Peak season for fleas in most of Canada is mid-summer, or sooner, about May through June. Vancouver, however, rarely gets cold enough in the winter to kill fleas, which thrive in humid temperatures. Therefore, every season is flea season in Vancouver, and it’s imperative to prevent an infestation. One way you can arm yourself against […]
Causes of Pet Dandruff and How to Prevent It from Building Up

Humans are not the only ones who may have dandruff; your pets can get it too. Dandruff is made up of dead skin cells, or dander, that fall from the skin. When clumped together, it looks like white flakes. Dandruff is most noticeable if your pet has a dark-coloured hair coat, or has been scratching […]
Canine Pododermatitis: Causes and Work Up

Patients affected by canine pododermatitis are presented commonly in clinical small animal practice. The condition may be present on a single claw, a single paw, or multiple paws. While the condition may affect the paw(s) only, it may be accompanied by additional cutaneous symptoms at other sites, depending on the underlying cause. Pododermatitis is defined […]
Ask an Expert: Gluten-free Dog Food & Allergies

Q: Is gluten-free dog food the best choice for dogs with food allergies?
Ask an Expert: Do Pets Get Lice?

Q: Do pets get lice? Can people get lice from their pets?