Continuity of Dermatology Care for Pets, With Public Health & Wellness – An Update (July 10, 2021)

Given the human health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated recommendations advised by authorities, VetDERM Clinic is currently implementing the following to help support public health while providing continuity of pet dermatology care. 1. Continuity of care: Appointment schedule adjustment to see fewer appointments per day, in order to help ensure disinfection of […]
Advantages of Online Vet Dermatology Appointments

We are currently living in a period where in-person contact is not recommended to take place for the sake of our health and safety—minimizing contact between a pet owner and their vet. To adapt to this radical change of pace, our veterinary dermatology clinic has adopted online means of connecting with our pet patients and […]
Rush Immunotherapy Availability for Patients at VetDERM Clinic

Canine Atopic Dermatitis and Feline Atopy: A Common Dermatological Presentation Environmental allergy is quite common in feline and canine dermatological patients, in fact more common than food allergy. The medical term the condition in dogs is canine atopic dermatitis (environmental allergy), whereas feline atopy (or, non-flea, non-food allergic dermatitis) is the commonly used term for […]
Continuity of Dermatology Care for Pets, With Public Health & Wellness

Given the human health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated recommendations advised by authorities, VetDERM Clinic has implemented the following changes in function to help maintain physical distancing and continuity of pet dermatology care. 1. Telemedicine availability: Telemedicine provides the ability to provide good veterinary care to a subset of the patient […]
COVID-19 and Animals in Canada

There is currently no evidence to suggest that this virus is circulating in animals in Canada. It is possible that some types of animals can be infected with COVID-19, but there is no evidence that pets or other animals can spread the virus. There are still many unknowns about COVID-19 and this is […]
Allergen Immunotherapy for Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs

What is allergen immunotherapy (AIT)? AIT is the only therapy that is designed to target the immunologic pathomechanisms of atopic dermatitis. In other words, out of all the treatment options available to date, AIT is the only treatment option that targets the underlying root cause of disease. Although the mechanism of action of AIT is […]
Canine Pododermatitis: Causes and Work Up

Patients affected by canine pododermatitis are presented commonly in clinical small animal practice. The condition may be present on a single claw, a single paw, or multiple paws. While the condition may affect the paw(s) only, it may be accompanied by additional cutaneous symptoms at other sites, depending on the underlying cause. Pododermatitis is defined […]
Ear Infections in Dogs: Work Up and Treatment

Otitis is one of the most common reasons dog owners seek consultation with their family veterinarian. There is no set standard of treatment as ear infections in dogs can have a number of underlying causes. Typically, a work up for otitis will not only include identification and treatment of any microorganisms creating active infection, but […]
Taking a Bite out of Food Allergies in Dogs and Cats

Food related allergy treatments in canine and feline patients form part of daily practice for a small animal veterinarian. Dietary elimination trials are often pursued in order to work up an allergic patient exhibiting dermatologic or gastrointestinal disease, and are encouraged as a method to control underlying primary food allergies. Dietary elimination trials also form […]