New Year Resolutions for People with Allergic Pets

A brand new year is almost here! Have you made your New Year resolutions yet? If you live with a dog or a cat with allergies, we know you have lots to worry about. Depending on the type of allergy your pet has, a major change is needed in your life as well as your […]
What You Need to Know about Anal Sac Impaction in Pets

Let’s face it, the hind end (bums, if you will) are a gross subject! But your pets’ hind end can be a source of discomfort to them if the little sacs present besides the anal opening become blocked. These anal sac blockages (more commonly called anal gland impaction or anal sacculitis) can be a source […]
My Top 5 List of Gift Ideas for Pets

We are well and truly into the holiday season – shopping and parties are the entire crazes. Our pet pooches and fur-balls also deserve to be part of the holiday spirit of gift-receiving as much as we do. Generally, gift-giving for pets should follow the same principles as gift-giving for people. There are no set […]