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How to Care for Your Dog During the Summer Season

How to Care for Your Dog During the Summer Season | VetDERM Clinic

Summer is the time of year we all wait for! Long days, sunny days (at least a few sunny days in our neck of woods), and play time with increased exercise and activity! What’s not to love? These factors also result in our pets being more active in the summer. While you and your dog […]

13 Signs Your Dog Has Pollen Allergies

13 Signs Your Dog Has Pollen Allergies | VetDERM Clinic

Has your dog been itching, scratching, biting, or licking itself more often than usual? Have these symptoms been more obvious since warmer weather came about? Do you see any abnormal signs related to your dogs’ ears or eyes? Like humans, dogs can develop pollen allergies and they can show symptoms any time of the year. […]