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Food Allergies in Pets: Signs, Common Triggers, Diagnosis & Treatment

Food Allergies in Pets: Signs, Common Triggers, Diagnosis & Treatment | VetDERM Clinic

What is a Food Allergy? Food allergy constitutes an overreaction of the immune system to a particular ingredient in the diet, usually a protein molecule. This over-reaction can cause a variety of symptoms that are associated with inflammation in the body. The clinical signs that we associate with a food allergy are a result of […]

When Do Allergies in Pets Appear? What is a Pet’s Allergy Season?

When Do Allergies in Pets Appear? What is a Pet's Allergy Season? | VetDERM Clinic

Allergies in pets can be quite like those in humans. They are an overreaction of the immune system again commonly encountered things in the environment. These can include pollen from grass and trees, fungus in the surroundings, house dust mites and animal dander within our houses to name a few common “allergy triggers”.  Symptoms exhibited […]

Is Your Cat Over-grooming? Hair Loss & Other Signs of an Itchy Cat

Is Your Cat Over-grooming? Hair Loss & Other Signs of an Itchy Cat | VetDERM Clinic

Cats spend about 30-40% of their day grooming themselves. The rest of their time is mostly spent sleeping—this is a well-known fact among cat lovers! Families with cats usually love to groom and brush their cats. As icing on the cake, a cat can demand cuddles or brushing when they crave some extra love. What […]