In Vancouver, Every Season is Flea Season

Peak season for fleas in most of Canada is mid-summer, or sooner, about May through June. Vancouver, however, rarely gets cold enough in the winter to kill fleas, which thrive in humid temperatures. Therefore, every season is flea season in Vancouver, and it’s imperative to prevent an infestation. One way you can arm yourself against […]
Ask an Expert: Dog Skin Diseases

Q: Are dog skin diseases contagious to other dogs?
Flea Control for Pets in Vancouver: A Year-round Struggle

Everyone dreads and dislikes fleas! These little parasites of pets, which go by the scientific name Ctenocephalides canis (or Ctenocephalides felis), are a common source of dismay to pet owners and for pets themselves. To make matters worse, fleas can live in our climate year round as we don’t really have a “flea season” like […]