When Do Allergies in Pets Appear? What is a Pet’s Allergy Season?

Allergies in pets can be quite like those in humans. They are an overreaction of the immune system again commonly encountered things in the environment. These can include pollen from grass and trees, fungus in the surroundings, house dust mites and animal dander within our houses to name a few common “allergy triggers”. Symptoms exhibited […]
Causes of Pet Dandruff and How to Prevent It from Building Up

Humans are not the only ones who may have dandruff; your pets can get it too. Dandruff is made up of dead skin cells, or dander, that fall from the skin. When clumped together, it looks like white flakes. Dandruff is most noticeable if your pet has a dark-coloured hair coat, or has been scratching […]